52nd FWGAD Tournament
General Meeting / Special Sessions
Special Session Meeting
July 18, 2022
Soboba Springs Golf Club
San Jacinto, CA
Special Session meeting is called to order by President Toriano Watson at 6:15 pm.
Quorum - Required at least 32 members present for the meeting to proceed. More than 32 members were in attendance and the meeting was officially proceeded.
The purpose of Special Session meeting is vote on new bylaws and to replace the older version of bylaws. The action was based on the motion which was passed from General Meeting at 2021 FWGAD Tournament in Mesquite, NV. The motion is stated as follows:
“Farley Warshaw proposed the following sections to be incorporated, to be replaced, or to be updated in the current Far West Deaf Golf Association’s By-laws. In principle, the new version of By-Laws shall be effective at the time 52nd FWGAD Tournament begins, subject to final approval from the members at special General Meeting on the day before the tournament begins.” Michael Finneran seconded. Passed.
Sections are: Cash Prize, Affiliation, Handicap System, Council of Representatives, Board Composition, Non-profit Status, Super Senior Division, Updating By-Laws.
FWGAD Executive Board proposes the members approve the updated Bylaws to replace the current version, starting immediately.
Seconded by Name?
The motion is passed with 2/3 of members who were presented at the meeting.
The meeting is adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Farley Warshaw,Secretary/Treasurer
General Meeting
July 19, 2022
Soboba Springs Golf Club
San Jacinto, CA
Meeting is called to order at 6:15 pm by President Toriano Watson.
Quorum - Failed. Required 32 members presented. 30 members showed up. General meeting commenced without any business related to votes or election.
President Toriano Watson introduced golfers who are playing at FWGAD for the first time. The newcomers were Michael Mabashov, Robert Sutton, Ken Watson, and Jeff Lubman.
Minutes from 2021 General Meeting - Shared with members but no vote was taken place for approval.
President’s Report -
1. FWGAD Greeting Banner was unveiled;
2. Explained the meaning of By-laws and Guidelines;
3. GHIN;
4. Handicap System and;
5. Hall of Fame
Vice President’s Report -
1. 2023 FWGAD Tournament in Arizona;
2. Status of 2024 FWGAD Tournament and;
3. Portland Metro Deaf Golf Association’s interest to host a tournament.
Secretary’s Report -
1. Final version of FWGAD Bylaws is completed and;
2. Updated about the meetings with Council of Representatives.
Treasurer’s Report -
1. 51st FWGAD Tournament Financial Report. The financial report was audited. No vote was taken place for approval;
2. $100 Deposit was returned to WGAD and;
3. FWGAD’s financial report was shared with members and no vote was taken place for approval.
Media Director’s Report -
1. Files reorganized;
2. Website is updated for 52nd FWGAD Tournament and;
3. Updated records to date.
Committee’s Reports -
1. Hall of Fame - Criteria and Procedure were updated.
Old Business -
Motion #1
Ron Rhodes proposed a super senior group to meet and discuss the format for 2022 FWGAD Tournament and recommended it to the Executive Board for final approval. Lyle Hinks seconded. Passed.
Motion #2
Ismael Briseno proposed the Close to Pin prize donated by FWGAD to be increased from $50 to $100, starting in next year's tournament. Mike Grammer seconded. Passed.
Motion #3
Ron Rhodes proposed that FWGAD donate $200 for any golfer who hit hole in one during the tournament, starting todayLyle Hinks seconded. Passed.
Motion #4
Farley Warshaw proposed FWGAD suspend By-laws, Article 10, Section 4 until further notice. Mitch Phillips seconded. Passed.
Motion #5
Farley Warshaw proposed the following sections to be incorporated, to be replaced, or to be updated in the current Far West Deaf Golf Association’s By-laws. In principle, the new version of By-Laws shall be effective at the time 52nd FWGAD Tournament begins, subject to final approval from the members at special General Meeting on the day before the tournament begins. Michael Finneran seconded. Passed.
Sections are: Cash Prize, Affiliation, Handicap System, Council of Representatives, Board Composition, Non-profit Status, Super Senior Division, Updating By-Laws.
Motion #6
FWGAD Executive Board proposes the members approve the updated Bylaws to replace the current version, starting immediately.
The motion is passed by 2/3 of members presented at Special Session on Monday, July 18th.
New Business - No motions were made as the General meeting is not official.
Election - No election was conducted due to quorum not met.
2023 FWGAD Tournament - William Baim, Chairperson
June 13-15, 2023 at We-Ko-Pa Golf Course (Cholla and Saguaro)
Future FWGAD Tournaments -
2024 - Colorado (FWGAD will host)
2025/2026 - Portland Metro Deaf Golf Association/Northern California Golf Association of the Deaf
Necrology -
Jim Revell, Dale Johnson, and Jeff Lenham
Special Session Meeting
July 21, 2022
Soboba Springs Golf Club
San Jacinto, CA
Special Session meeting was called in order at 5:10 pm.
Quorum - required 32 members present for the meeting to proceed. Quorum is met with satisfaction and the meeting commenced.
President (2 year term) - Toriano Watson was nominated by Ron Rhodes and seconded by
David Ramirez. Tory accepted. Elected by acclamation.
Secretary (2 year term) - Farley Warshaw was nominated by Dave Trimborn and seconded by Pete Seiler. Farley accepted. Elected by acclamation.
Treasurer (1 year term) - Ron Heinrich was nominated by Ron Rhodes and seconded by Melissa Stockton. Ron accepted. Elected by acclamation.
The term will begin on January 1, 2023.
The Special Session meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Farley Warshaw
FWGAD Secretary