![FWGAD FWGAD](http://fwgad.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/FWGAD.png)
Tee Signs Information
We are seeking sponsors for a fund-raising tournament in honor of the 50th anniversary to be held in July of 2019. Our campaign is called Tee Signs. We will have signs posted at the tee area of each hole or practice green area for each hole which the names of donors during this campaign. If interested in sponsoring tee signs, please contact David Weiss djweiss7@gmail.com
Premium level ($250)
- Better seating at the banquet following the tournament
- Two complimentary drinks
- Donor’s name printed on the tee area sign in colored ink
- Recognition in the program book.
Patron level ($100)
- Tee area sign printed in black and white with donor’s name
- Recognition in the program book.
Sponsorships Information
We are seeking sponsors for a fund-raising tournament in honor of the 50th anniversary to be held in July of 2019. If your organization or corporation/business would be interested in sponsoring for the event please contact Michael Finneran, the chairperson for this event at michaelrfinneran@gmail.com by March 1, 2019.
Platinum Sponsor ($5000 and up)
- Banner hanging up at the clubhouse and banquet
- AD inside cover or in the middle of the program book
- Recognition at the banquet and get an opportunity to talk to audience
- Up to 8 free banquet tickets and get better seats
- Imprinted corporation/organizations’ name on the trophy
Gold Sponsor ($2500 to $4999)
- Full page ad in the program book
- Recognition at the banquet
- Up to 4 free banquet tickets
- Imprinted corporation/organizations’ name on the trophy
- Colored printed Tee Sign
Bronze Sponsor ($1000 to $2499)
- Half page ad in the program book
- Recognition at the banquet
- Two free banquet tickets
We want to thank and acknowledge you in advance for your continued support of this significant community organization which has offered great benefit to many Deaf community members over the past 50 years.
All donations are tax deductible.